Sunday, September 7, 2008

Daddy we will miss you!!!!

For all of you who do not know, James left for Iraq about a week ago,we are very sad.One of the boys favorite things to do is to have James read them story after story. They will miss his stories and especially his wrestling with them.

We are in Utah living with my family and having a tough time adjusting without James. Jakeb keeps asking when we are going home, and I tell him we are home, and his reply is "No mommy this is grandma and grandpa's home".

I know the first few weeks or month is the hardest, but we will get through, we have two times before. I just ask for those to please keep James' safety in your prayers while he is gone. I am just so thankful for my parent's to let us come and invade their home for the year.


Jared said...

Ouch that sure tugs on the heart strings. We love you guys and have James and your family in our prayers. Hopefully this is his last trip, and then you can move back to Fresno.
Love ya guys,
Jared & Bri

Anonymous said...

We are so proud to have a family member serving for our country - James will definetly be in our prayers!
BTW, cute new blog design - and I'm glad to see that you're using photoscape - isn't it fun!

Piano Mom said...

We will definitely keep him in our prayers - and you and the boys too.

Nelson family said...

I miss and love my babies!!

Chris said...

I'll keep James in my prayers as well. When he gets back, we'll have to try and get together as we missed doing that last year before you guys left Utah.