Sunday, May 11, 2008


Cole was born on September 12, 2006, and what a birth it was. From beginning to end it was about 1 1/2 hours labor with no time for an epidural or pain medicine. James had just gotten home on leave from Iraq 12 hours before and Cole just didn't want to wait any longer. Cole was such a good baby. He rarely cried and was such a beautiful little boy. He has big blue eyes with long dark eyelashes. He has such beautiful eyes that he has been called a little girl at times (even though he is clearly wearing boys clothes). Now as he is getting older, wow what a handful he is. He is constantly teasing his older brother, and now throws tantrums if he doesn't get what he wants. Cole already loves sports and video games, yipppeee!! His favorite toy is James' old video game controller, and he loves to sit on daddies lap and watch baseball or basketball. At church if the overflow is open he will point and say basketball for the basketball hoop over and over again. It gets quite embarrassing. He loves to be outside and especially he loves to play in our cars. He is saying so many words like: touchdown, basketball, baseball, yellow, red, mama, dada, Haley, thank you, please, truck and many more to mention. Cole also loves animals and laughs everytime he sees any. He will just run up to any dog or cat and try to bear hug them. Cole hates the nursery or being in any type of daycare, but when it comes to playing at the park or preschool, he loves it. He is such a daddies boy and will not come to mama when daddy is holding him. It is so crazy the things he is doing now that bug the heck out of us now and a year ago when Jake was doing them. Cole is constantly shutting the door, when Jake wants it open. Cole is constantly turning the t.v. off when Jakes wants it on. Cole is constantly taking away toys from Jake and then teasing him about it. He does not like to share!!! He is our little instigator. The only time Jake cries, usually, is because Cole is bugging him. Cole loves to try and play with Jake, but most of the time Jake doesn't want to be bothered. He is a climber. He climbs on top of anything, especially daddy. Daddy is his jungle gym. He is our daredevil. He doesn't get scared over anything. We took Jake and Cole to a waterpark and Jake hated going down the slide, but Cole enjoyed it very much. Cole loves to be paid attention to and loves to be tickled, and most of the time all we have to do is look at him to get a belly laugh. Cole was a definite surprise to us when we got pregnant, but this surprise was definetely what we wanted.


Anonymous said...

Cute stuff gee! Cole is getting so big and cute!

Lawrensons said...

Your family is looking great!:-) --Misty